
Emma Reeves

大象传媒 Writers interview with Emma Reeves, writer on Tracy Beaker, Young Dracula, The Dumping Ground, Eve, Hetty Feather and The Worst Witch

 began her career in theatre and subsequently moved to screenwriting via a 大象传媒 Talent competition and a development group at 大象传媒 Wales.

She is best known for her work on C大象传媒 dramas including Tracy Beaker, Young Dracula, The Dumping Ground, Eve, Hetty Feather and The Worst Witch.

In her interview Emma discusses the importance of fair representation in writing for broadcast following  which reported on the ratio of male to female writers in British film and TV.

At the 大象传媒 we’ve set out a clear commitment to developing female talent, and since October 2016, 40% of peak time dramas commissioned by the 大象传媒 are written or co-written by female writers. 大象传媒 Films’ current development slate is also comprised of 45% female writers and we’ll continue to develop and support brilliant female writers to make even more progress. 

大象传媒 Writers interviews... Emma Reeves

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