
Frog Stone

Frog Stone is a comedy writer and performer who wrote Bucket, and has appeared in No Offence, Derek, Fresh Meat, Peep Show and Shameless

Frog Stone is a comedy writer and performer who wrote , which was broadcast on 大象传媒 Four in 2017. Bucket is about a mother-daughter relationship on a bucket list road trip to resolve the past that has made their present tense. Frog co-starred in Bucket with Miriam Margolyes.

Frog's acting credits also include No Offence, Derek, Fresh Meat, Peep Show and Shameless.

Frog explains how she got into comedy, initially as a performer, how she develops scripts, projects and characters and why you should try and find your own unique voice. She also talks about the situation for women in comedy.

This interview originated as a Facebook Live broadcast and is low resolution.

大象传媒 Writers interviews... Frog Stone

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