
Kayode Ewumi

The writer and star of #HoodDocumentary and 大象传媒 Three's Enterprice.

Kayode Ewumi is an actor and writer and the star of #HoodDocumentary (originally made and self-published on YouTube (Watch: ) and picked up for a 2nd series by 大象传媒 Three (Watch: , , ).

He is also the creator of 大象传媒 Three's Enterprice which was a 大象传媒 Three Comedy Slice pilot in 2018 and picked up for a full series 

Watch Enterprice Series 1 now on 大象传媒 iPlayer

Kayode explains why he loves to tell stories, how he got started in creating and publishing his own material and how that led to being commissioned to write and star in a television series for the 大象传媒. 

Enterprice has been commissioned for a second series of 5 episodes for 大象传媒 Three to be released later in 2019.

The writer and star of #HoodDocumentary and 大象传媒 Three's Enterprice.

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