
Paula Milne

大象传媒 Writers interviews Paula Milne, "Britain's most accomplished female screenwriter".

Paula Milne has been described as "". She began her career as a script reader and created the series 'Angels' for the 大象传媒 which focused on nurses rather than doctors.

Subsquently she wrote for shows including 'Coronation Street', 'Z Cars', 'Juliet Bravo' and 'Grange Hill' before creating original dramas including 'Die Kinder', 'The Politician's Wife', 'The Fragile Heart', 'Second Sight', 'Endgame' and 'The Virgin Queen' and adaptations including 'Small Island', 'The Night Watch' and 'My Cousin Rachel'.

She describes how she hated her time working as a script-editor at the 大象传媒 but loved the writers: "They seemed to me to be drunk and late and interesting."  She explains what she learnt from writing for 'Coronation Street', why she has written about all types of politics including gender politics and the difficulties associated with getting political drama produced.

Paula also shares her advice for new writers and her 3 Desert Island DVDs.

大象传媒 Writers interviews Paula Milne, writer of The Politician's Wife, The Politician's Husband, White Heat, Endgame.

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