
Roy Williams

大象传媒 Writers interviews playwright, TV and radio writer, Roy Williams

Roy talks to 大象传媒 Writersroom about the theatre play which changed his life, the writers who inspire him and the techniques he uses to develop his characters and their worlds.

He shares his advice for new writers and tells us why he can't do any work without having three pencils on his desk.

大象传媒 Writers interviews playwright, TV and radio writer, Roy Williams.

Roy Williams talks about getting his first ever commission for 大象传媒 Radio

Roy Williams reflects on his journey to writing for radio and why it is is his favourite medium to write for.

He talks about how back in 1995 when he was studying on a writing course, he was encouraged by his tutor to submit a script to the First Bites young writers competition 鈥 leading to his very first radio drama, Homeboys, being broadcast by the 大象传媒.

Roy tells us why radio excites him so much as a medium 鈥 鈥漴adio is limitless, you can write about anything and anywhere鈥 and shares his 3 top tips for writers new to radio.

Roy Williams on getting his first radio commission.

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