
Tony Grounds

大象传媒 Writers interviews prolific screenwriter, Tony Grounds (Births Marriages & Deaths, Bodily Harm, Canterbury Tales) about his 大象传媒 One single drama, Our Girl.

Tony Grounds is the creator and writer of the 大象传媒 One drama series .

大象传媒 Writersroom spoke to Tony about the  which was broadcast in 2013 and followed the story of Molly Dawes (Lacey Turner), from nobody to a soldier in the Royal Army Medical Corps, to her final arrival in Afghanistan.

Tony talked to us about how he wanted to write a story of hope from the perspective of disenfranchised youth, and wanted to show that everyone has the potential to do something.

He talks about why actress Lacey Turner was ideal to play the protagonist and sheds light on the research process and gaining access to Pirbright Barracks in Surrey.

大象传媒 Writers interviews screenwriter, Tony Grounds about his new drama, Our Girl.

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