
Meet the 大象传媒 Writersroom

Interested in writing scripts for TV or Radio? Then this is your chance to meet the 大象传媒 Writersroom - people who discover, develop and champion new and experienced writing talent from across the whole of the UK.

大象传媒 Writers is a small department based within Drama Commissioning at the 大象传媒.

Find out how we discover, develop and champion new and experienced writing talent from across the whole of the UK from our bases in London, Salford, Belfast, Cardiff and Glasgow. This session introduces our work and how you can get involved.

The session was recorded as part of the #DigiCities online event from the 大象传媒 Academy in February 2021.

Speaker: Simon Nelson, Development Executive for 大象传媒 Writersroom.

Watch the video

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