- 1751 - 1772: Denis Diderot – Encyclopaedia (in 17 volumes of text and 11 volumes of engravings)
- 1762: Jean Jacques Rousseau – The Social Contract
- 1776: Thomas Paine – Common Sense
- 1779: Jacques Pierre Brissot - Universal Correspondence
- 1789: William Blake - Songs of Innocence
- 1793: William Blake – America: A Prophecy
- 1793: William Blake - Visions of The Daughters of Albion
- 1794: William Blake - Songs of Experience
- 1798: William Wordsworth - Lyrical Ballads
- 1798: William Wordsworth – The Last of The Flock (Lyrical Ballads)
- 1798: William Wordsworth - Tintern Abbey Lyrical Ballads)
- 1798: William Wordsworth - The Female Vagrant (Lyrical Ballads)
- 1798: Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Rime of The Ancient Mariner (Lyrical Ballads)
- 1798: Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Frost At Midnight
- 1804-7: William Blake - Auguries of Innocence
- 1804-10: William Blake – Milton
- 1805: William Wordsworth – The Prelude
- 1811: Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Necessity of Atheism
- 1812: Lord Byron – Childe Harold Cantos 1 and 2
- 1812 (to 1831) John Clare - The Mores
- 1813: Percy Bysshe Shelley – Queen Mab
- 1815: Lord Byron – She Walks in Beauty
- 1816: Lord Byron – Darkness
- 1816: Samuel Taylor Coleridge – Kubla Khan
- 1817: Samuel Taylor Coleridge – Biographia Literaria
- M1818: ary Shelley – Frankenstein
- 1818: Lord Byron – Don Juan (unfinished)
- 1818: Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Revolt of Islam
- 1818: Percy Bysshe Shelley - Ozymandias
- 1819: John Keats - Ode To A Nightingale
- 1820: John Keats - Ode on a Grecian Urn
- 1820: John Keats - To Autumn
- 1821: Percy Bysshe Shelley - Adonais
- 1847: Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Sonnet
- 1848: John Keats - When I have Fears That I May Cease To Be
- 1848: John Clare - I Am
- 1857: John Keats - The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream
- 1908: John Clare - Remembrances
- 1920: John Clare - The Peasant Poet
- 1935: John Clare - The Mouse's Nest