

sustainability icon

As a responsible business, the ´óÏó´«Ã½ takes its duty to the environment and respect for the planet seriously, which is why we are committed to becoming Net Zero and Nature Positive. Our sustainability strategy is underpinned by scientific rigour to meet the highest standards of accountability. To deliver our objectives and support the wider media sector, we are working collaboratively with suppliers and creative peers, across the UK and beyond, to develop a sustainable industry on and off-screen.

Everyone working on this event including ´óÏó´«Ã½ staff, presenters, event contributors and contractors are requested to follow our Sustainability Policy, with a view to reducing our environmental impact and contributing to the overall success of the event. This includes implementing initiatives such as low carbon travel policy, where all staff travel to the event by train and shuttles to reduce overall carbon emissions.

In keeping with the aims of the event, we would like all ticket holders to consider taking the following steps to contribute to a more sustainable event:

• Please consider environmentally friendly ways of travelling to Preston, such as using public transport.

• There will be no general public parking at the site so please avoid driving.

• Please remember to bring a reusable water bottle and refill it at the free drinking water points provided around the site.

• We have a no single-use plastic policy in place, so please make use of the alternatives provided such as bottles containing recycled content, and compostable food serveware from food traders.

• While we discourage the use of single-use vapes, please make use of the vape disposal bins should you require them.

• At onsite food traders you will be able to see the carbon footprint of meals on offer, giving you the chance to choose a low-carbon meal.

• We aim to recycle as much as possible from the event, and you have a part to play in this: please separate your waste into the bins provided onsite for dry mixed recycling, food waste, and other waste.

Thank you for helping us improve the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s impact on the environment while enjoying Radio 2 In The Park.

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