

During our lifetimes, as we grow from a baby to old age, we change and develop.

Watch: How humans change during their lifetime.

Learn about the lifecycle of humans.

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Human Lifecycle

Different stages of the human life cycle
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All humans go through the same lifecycle. They are small at the start of their life. Over time they grow bigger and their bodies change. When they are grown up, they might have children of their own.

There are six stages in the human lifecycle:

1. Foetus - At this time, a baby is growing inside its mum's womb.

2. Baby - A baby is born after spending nine months inside the womb.

3. Childhood - At this stage, you learn to walk and talk.

4. Adolescence- The stage between childhood and adulthood when children become teenagers. Here, bodies develop during puberty.

5. Adulthood- Your body is fully developed and this is the stage where some women may have babies.

6. Old age - The last stage in the lifecycle of a human.

Different stages of the human life cycle
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All humans go through the same lifecycle. They are small at the start of their life. Over time they grow bigger and their bodies change. When they are grown up, they might have children of their own.
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Activity 1: Order the lifecycle

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Activity 2: Quiz

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Activity 3: Lifecycle worksheet

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