

The perimeter of a circle is called the circumference.

The shortest distance from the centre to the circumference is called the radius.

The line across the centre of a circle is the diameter, this is 2 x the radius.

Illustration of a circle with circumference, radius and diameter
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Diameter and radius

Diameter = 2 x radius

D = 2r


Calculate the diameter when the radius is 2.4 cm.


Calculate the radius when the diameter is 5 m.

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Calculating the circumference of a circle

The circumference of a circle is calculated using the formula

Circumference = 蟺 x diameter

C = 蟺D

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is the number 3.1415926鈥

A common approximation is 3.14

There is a button on most calculators which gives a more accurate value.

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Calculate the circumference of this circle.

Circle with a diameter of 12 cm


Calculate the length of ribbon needed to go around a circular birthday cake with a diameter of 22 cm.


Calculate the length of the circumference with a radius of 8.4 metres.

Circle with a radius of 8.4 metres

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Calculating the area of a circle

The area of a circle is calculated using the formula

Area = 蟺 x radius x radius

A = 蟺r虏


Calculate the area of this circle.

Circle with a radius of 8.4 m


Calculate the area of the top of a circular birthday cake with a diameter of 22cm.


Calculate the circumference and the area of this circle giving answers to 1 decimal place.

Circle with a radius of 16 mm

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