
Pocket moneyManaging money

Understanding straightforward written French demands a knowledge of vocabulary and an awareness of grammar. With these skills it is possible to find the main message of a text and specific details.

Part of FrenchReading

Managing money

Pierre continues to talk about how he earns his pocket money. Read what he has to say and look at the example questions that follow.

Pour gagner mon argent de poche, je dois aider 脿 la maison.

Je fais mon lit tous les matins, je range ma chambre toutes les semaines et je fais la vaisselle apr猫s le d卯ner.

Je pense que c鈥檈st juste. Mais mon fr猫re et ma s艙ur ne font rien!

Je fais des 茅conomies tous les mois parce que j鈥檃imerais acheter une moto.

Mais le week-end dernier, j鈥檃i d茅pens茅 beaucoup d鈥檃rgent.

J鈥檃i eu besoin de v锚tements et j鈥檃i achet茅 des v锚tements de marques.


What does Pierre have to do to earn his pocket money?


What is Pierre saving for?


What did Pierre do last weekend?

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