
Converting units of area

The unit conversions for length can be used to calculate areas in different units.

The two squares have the same area.

Square 1: 1m x 1m Square 2: 100cm x 100cm

Square 1

Area = \(1~\text{m} \times 1~\text{m}\)

Area = 1 m2

Square 2

Area = \(100~\text{cm} \times 100~\text{cm}\)

Area = 10,000 cm2

Since Square 1 and Square 2 have the same area, \(1~\text{m}^2 = 10,000~\text{cm}^2\).

Use the same method to convert cm2 into mm2.

Square 1: 1cm x 1cm Square 2: 10mm x 10mm

Square 3

Area = \(1~\text{cm} \times 1~\text{cm}\)

Area = 1 cm2

1 cm2 = 100 mm2

Square 4

Area = \(10~\text{mm} \times 10~\text{mm}\)

Area = 100 mm2

Since Square 3 and Square 4 have the same area, \(1~\text{cm}^2 = 100~\text{mm}^2\)


Convert 5.2 m2 into cm2.

1 m2 = 100 cm x 100 cm = 10,000 cm2

\(5.2 \times 10,000 = 52,000~\text{cm}^\text{2}\)