
Romeo and Juliet - Planning your answer

Before you begin writing your essay, it is important that you plan it properly so the essay is crafted and structured to suit the question. You must also refer to the assessment objectives to ensure you've met the criteria.

Below is a structure that you could use for your answer.

  1. Introduction to the topic and question.
  2. Point 1: Juliet refuses to marry Paris.
  3. Point 2: Capulet and Paris deciding on Juliet's marriage.
  4. Point 3: Capulet hearing the news of Juliet's death.
  5. Conclusion.

Sample Answers

Consider the following example answers about Point 1 (Juliet鈥檚 refusal to marry Paris and Capulet鈥檚 response).

Sample answer 1

Capulet is horrified when Juliet tells him that she won't marry on the Thursday and she won't marry Paris. I know that he is horrified because Shakespeare has him saying 'disobedient wretch' to his daughter, Juliet. This is a horrible thing to say because he is saying that his daughter is a 'wretch', which basically means she's a nightmare and a plague on his life. Shakespeare has used this word to describe Juliet to highlight Capulet's anger that Juliet won't obey him, the male and master of the Capulet household.

Feedback comments 鈥 not bad but room for improvement!

  • This candidate shows that they've got an understanding of the text, main characters and plot. They use evidence to support their points. To develop this further, they should focus on Capulet's emotion and why Shakespeare has presented his emotion in this way.
  • There's some analysis of language here as the candidate has explored the use of 'wretch'. However, this should be developed. They should also look at the structure and form of the text.
  • There's a mention of Capulet's role as the 'master of the Capulet household', which indicates a little understanding of the social and historical context. This should be developed and discussed with the question.
  • The candidate writes accurately, using correct spelling and punctuation. Their phrasing could be more concise and clearer at points.

Sample answer 2

In the extract above, Shakespeare presents Capulet's anger and disgust at his daughter, Juliet, because she defies him. Capulet initially curses Juliet, 'hang thee' and his disgust is clearly shown when be begins hurling insults at his daughter, 'young baggage' followed by 'disobedient wretch!'. The adjective 'disobedient' reveals that it is his authority which he feels is being challenged, and the exclamation mark emphasises his anger. The imperative instruction, 'Get thee to church' is an attempt to reassert his authority, and the command to 'speak not' is similarly dismissive of Juliet.

Feedback - much improved!

  • The candidate demonstrates a good understanding of the plot and characters, and uses evidence to support the main points. To develop this further, the candidate could explore their own personal response - highlighting what they think about Capulet's attitudes towards his daughter.
  • The candidate discusses Shakespeare's use of language, including punctuation - focusing on what Shakespeare has done and why he has done it. However, the candidate hasn't discussed the form and how the audience would've felt at this point in the play.
  • There's no social and historical context in this answer. There are many opportunities to develop this.
  • A well written answer, focusing on the rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Using the skills you've learnt in this section, now write an essay responding to the Romeo and Juliet essay question. Time yourself and make sure you are meeting the assessment objectives.