
Examples of energy stores

Nine different energy resources, fossil fuels, nuclear, bio, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, tides, sun, water waves; illustrated around a main label.

Examples of energy types

Energy storeDescriptionExamples
MagneticThe energy stored when repelling poles have been pushed closer together or when attracting poles have been pulled further apart.Fridge magnets, compasses, maglev trains which use magnetic levitation.
Heat energy (or Internal energy)The total kinetic and potential energy of the particles in an object, in most cases this is the vibrations - also known as the kinetic energy - of particles. In hotter objects, the particles have more internal energy and vibrate faster.Human bodies, hot coffees, stoves or hobs. Ice particles vibrate slower, but still have energy.
ChemicalThe energy stored in chemical bonds, such as those between molecules.Foods, muscles, electrical cells.
KineticThe energy of a moving object.Runners, buses, comets.
Electrical or electrostaticThe energy stored when repelling charges have been moved closer together or when attracting charges have been pulled further apart.Thunderclouds, Van De Graaff generators.
Elastic potential or strain energyThe energy stored when an object is stretched or squashed.Drawn catapults, compressed springs, inflated balloons.
SoundSound is caused by a vibrating object. The vibrations pass to surrounding particles of matter and then from one particle to another in waves. Sound energy moves through solids, liquids and gases as these all have particles to pass on the vibrations.Music playing through earbuds, a plucked guitar string, someone talking.
Gravitational potentialThe energy of an object at height.Aeroplanes, kites, mugs on a table.
Energy storeMagnetic
DescriptionThe energy stored when repelling poles have been pushed closer together or when attracting poles have been pulled further apart.
ExamplesFridge magnets, compasses, maglev trains which use magnetic levitation.
Energy storeHeat energy (or Internal energy)
DescriptionThe total kinetic and potential energy of the particles in an object, in most cases this is the vibrations - also known as the kinetic energy - of particles. In hotter objects, the particles have more internal energy and vibrate faster.
ExamplesHuman bodies, hot coffees, stoves or hobs. Ice particles vibrate slower, but still have energy.
Energy storeChemical
DescriptionThe energy stored in chemical bonds, such as those between molecules.
ExamplesFoods, muscles, electrical cells.
Energy storeKinetic
DescriptionThe energy of a moving object.
ExamplesRunners, buses, comets.
Energy storeElectrical or electrostatic
DescriptionThe energy stored when repelling charges have been moved closer together or when attracting charges have been pulled further apart.
ExamplesThunderclouds, Van De Graaff generators.
Energy storeElastic potential or strain energy
DescriptionThe energy stored when an object is stretched or squashed.
ExamplesDrawn catapults, compressed springs, inflated balloons.
Energy storeSound
DescriptionSound is caused by a vibrating object. The vibrations pass to surrounding particles of matter and then from one particle to another in waves. Sound energy moves through solids, liquids and gases as these all have particles to pass on the vibrations.
ExamplesMusic playing through earbuds, a plucked guitar string, someone talking.
Energy storeGravitational potential
DescriptionThe energy of an object at height.
ExamplesAeroplanes, kites, mugs on a table.