
Work experience

Practise speaking Spanish by listening to these questions and answers on the topic of gaining work experience. Have a go at expanding on the suggested answers.

Question 5

驴Has hecho pr谩cticas laborales? Si es as铆, da detalles. Si no, 驴Qu茅 te gustar铆a hacer como pr谩cticas?

Have you done any work experience? If so, give details. If not, what would you like to do for work experience?

Answer 5

S铆, hice mis pr谩cticas laborales el a帽o pasado en una escuela primaria. Era muy interesante pero muy fatigante. Todos los d铆as ten铆a que ayudar a los profesores, jugar con los ni帽os y dibujar con ellos. En general, me gust贸 el trabajo.

Yes, I did some work experience last year in a primary school. It was very interesting but really tiring. Every day I had to help the teachers, play with the children and draw with them. In general, I liked the work.

Alternative answer

No, no he hecho mis pr谩cticas, pero me gustar铆a organizar unas pr谩cticas para este verano. Si es posible, me gustar铆a trabajar en el polideportivo y ayudar a los instructores de deporte y trabajar en la recepci贸n.

No, I haven't done any work experience but I would like to organise some work experience for this summer. If possible, I would like to work in a sports centre and help the sports instructors and work at reception.