The elements of music
Points that are considered relevant to the element of melody include:
- cellos play the opening themeA short musical phrase which is used and repeated - and sometimes developed - within a composition. It is sometimes referred to as the subject.
- the opening theme is played later on the violins and sung by voices with no lyrics, creating a sense of calm
- the main melody starts with a leap of a minor sixth and perfect 5th Two pitches which are five degrees of the scale apart, eg C -G.
- the main theme is repeated multiple times with different accompaniments or added countermelodyA melodic line used to contrast the main tune of a music and build texture. on the brass instruments
Rhythm, metre and tempo
Remember to consider:
- the time signatureNumbers or letters written at the start of a piece of music depicting how many beats are in a bar and what type of beat are in each bar. is 4/4
- the syncopationRhythm patterns where stressed notes are placed off the beat. repeating rhythm drives the action forwards and adds a sense of urgency
- the tempoThe speed or pace of performance in speech, dance or music. is allegroLively and fast.
As the score is written so that it reacts to what is on screen, the two continuing features throughout are:
- passages are based on leitmotifA short melody used to represent a specific character, object or emotion. and their repetition throughout
- the piece ends suddenly with a low brass chord making the music sound unpredictable
Instrumentation and timbre
If asked to discuss these elements remember that:
- the music is written for orchestra and voices
- the use of harp and pan flute in the opening creates mystery
- synthesiserAn electronic keyboard that allows the player to change the sound. are layered over live instrumentation to convey both the reality and fantasy worlds of the games
- the sound of an acoustic guitar within the orchestra playing repeated strummedA playing technique on stringed instruments where all more than one string is played at once. chords creates a sense of action
- sampleA section taken from another song and used in a new composition or a recording of a sound taken from a specific environment. of screaming and shouting add a sense of danger
Texture and dynamics
Bear the following points in mind:
- a crescendoA gradual increase in volume. is played on the brass instruments at end of first section
- homophonicA texture where lines of music move together by step, often sounding together to form block chords. textures are implemented to show unity
- the instruments are added slowly, which constantly builds the texture
Tonality and harmony
Consider the following points:
- the piece is in the key signatureA pattern of sharps or flats at the beginning of a piece of music indicating which are to be played. of D minor
- the theme begins with sustained dissonance When at least one note conflicts with the harmony of the chord or key signature. in the upper strings to create a feeling of uncertainty