
Semiconductors and p-n junctionsn-type semiconductors

Semiconductors can be doped with other materials to become p-type or n-type. A p-n junction diode can be forward or reverse bias. LEDs are forward bias diodes that produce photons of light. Solar cells are p-n junctions that absorb photons, giving electrons enough energy to enter the conduction band.

Part of PhysicsElectricity

n-type semiconductors

If an impurity element with five outer shell electrons, such as arsenic, is added to silicon in small quantities, (approximately one impurity atom to every one million silicon atoms), the impurity atoms will fit into the crystal structure.

The additional outer shell electron will not be bonded into the valence band of the crystal. This doping affects the electrons' ability to move between energy bands. More electrons are available in the conduction band.

Two rectangular boxes, one above the other. The top box is the Conduction band and the bottom box the Valence band. The gap between them has black dots that are extra electron energy levels

This impurity causes the material to conduct and is called n-type silicon. n-type refers to the negative charge of the extra electron.

Atoms in a grid of silicon covalently bonded to four other atoms with 8 electrons in their outer shell. An arsenic atom replaces one of silicon.  It has a free electron in its outer shell.