Listening questions - Jorge
What does Jorge say about Spanish?
He is bad at Spanish and the teacher gives too much homework because he says: soy flojo en espa帽ol, tambi茅n el profe de espa帽ol nos da demasiados deberes.
Why does he find it difficult to juggle his school work?
He finds it difficult because he also has a part time job because he says: es dif铆cil hacer malabarismos con trabajo escolar porque tengo un trabajo a tiempo parcial tambi茅n.
Where does he work?
He works in a shoe shop in a shopping centre because he says: trabajo los fines de semana en una tienda de zapatos en el centro comercial.
What are the good and bad things about his job?
The good thing is that it鈥檚 well paid and the bad thing is that he has to spend a lot of time on his feet because he says: lo bueno de mi trabajo es que est谩 bien pagado pero lo malo es que hay que pasarse muchas horas de pie.
What job would he like in the future and why?
He would like to be a plumber because his dad is a plumber and likes his job because he says: me gustar铆a ser fontanero porque mi padre es fontanero y le gusta mucho su trabajo.