Speaking practice - ordering in a restaurant - Foundation
Example role play
What would you say for this role play? You are talking to a waiter/waitress in an Argentinian restaurant. Remember to use the usted form.
Est谩s hablando con un camarero/una camarera en un restaurante argentino.
- Una mesa - para cu谩ntas personas
- Una visita a este restaurante en el pasado - cu谩ndo
- Tu opini贸n sobre la comida argentina (un detalle).
- ? Precio del men煤 del d铆a
- !
Click to listen to a sample answer.
- Buenos d铆as. 驴En qu茅 puedo ayudarle?
- Me gustar铆a una mesa para tres personas.
- Muy bien. 驴Es su primera visita a nuestro restaurante?
- Visit茅 este restaurante el mes pasado.
- 驴Cu谩l es su opini贸n de la comida argentina?
- Me gusta la comida argentina porque es muy sabrosa.
- A m铆 tambi茅n.
- 驴Cu谩nto cuesta el men煤 del d铆a?
- Cuesta veinte euros por los tres platos. 驴Qu茅 quiere beber?
- Una limonada, por favor.
- Vale.
- Good day. How may I help you?
- I would like a table for three people.
- Very good. Is it your first visit to our restaurant?
- I visited this restaurant last month.
- Very good. What is your opinion of Argentinian food?
- I like Argentinian food because it is very tasty.
- Me too.
- How much is the menu of the day?
- It costs twenty euros for three courses. What would you like to drink?
- A lemonade, please.
- Okay.