
Phrases - school

About school

Here are some extra phrases to help you write an essay about school, but there are also some words about healthy eating that have been included.

Il y a une biblioth猫que, une cantine et des laboratoires means there is a library, a canteen and labs.

Il y a un club de football/de d茅bats/de devoirs/d鈥榓rts dramatiques means there is a football/debating/homework/drama club.

On a le droit de sortir 脿 l鈥檋eure du d茅jeuner means we are allowed to go out at lunchtime.

On n鈥檃 pas le droit de fumer means we鈥檙e not allowed to smoke.

On n鈥檃 pas le droit de porter des baskets means we鈥檙e not allowed to wear trainers.

On doit porter un uniforme means we have to wear a uniform.

Eating lunch

A midi je mange 脿 la cantine. D鈥檋abitude je prends des p芒tes ou de la salade et un fruit. Je bois de l鈥檈au means at lunch, I eat in the canteen. Usually, I have pasta or salad and fruit. I drink water.

A midi, je vais aux magasins pour acheter quelque chose 脿 manger means at lunch, I go to the shops to buy something to eat.

Normalement, je mange un hamburger et des frites ou un sandwich. Je mange aussi des bonbons et je bois du cola means normally I eat a hamburger and chips or a sandwich. I eat sweets and I drink a cola.

A midi, je mange 脿 la cantine mais j鈥檃pporte un plat de chez moi means at lunch, I go to the canteen but I bring a packed lunch.

Pendant l鈥檋eure du d茅jeuner je rentre 脿 la maison. Je mange de la soupe ou un sandwich et je bois du jus d鈥檕range means during lunch break I go home. I eat soup or a sandwich and I drink an orange juice.

Favourite subject

Ma mati猫re pr茅f茅r茅e est _____ parce que c鈥檈st facile/c鈥檈st int茅ressant/c鈥檈st amusant/le prof nous aide.

My favourite subject is _____ because it鈥檚 easy/it鈥檚 interesting/it鈥檚 fun/the teacher helps us.

J鈥檃ime la plupart de mes mati猫res sauf ______ parce que c鈥檈st nul/c鈥檈st trop difficile/le prof crie tout le temps/c鈥檈st barbant.

I like most of my subjects apart from _____ because it's rubbish/it's too difficult/ the teacher shouts all the time/it's boring.

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