
Atom economy, percentage yield and gas calculations - AQAPercentage yield

Percentage yield and atom economy show how much desired product is obtained compared to amounts of starting materials. Gas calculations show volumes of gas used and obtained in chemical reactions.

Part of Chemistry (Single Science)Quantitative chemistry

Percentage yield

The is the maximum possible of a that can be made in a chemical reaction.

It can be calculated from:

  • the ,
  • the mass and of the , and
  • the relative formula mass of the product

Even though no atoms are gained or lost in a chemical reaction, it is not always possible to obtain the calculated amount of a given product. Reasons why the mass of product made is less than the maximum theoretical mass include:

  • the reaction not going to completion, because it is reversible
  • some of the product may be lost when it is separated from the reaction mixture by , for example
  • some of the reactants may react in ways different to the expected reaction

Calculating percentage yield

The is calculated using this equation:

The percentage yield can vary from 100% (no product has been lost) to 0% (no product has been made).

Worked example

Copper oxide reacts with sulfuric acid to make copper sulfate and water. In an experiment, 1.6 g of dry copper sulfate crystals are made. If the theoretical yield is 2.0 g, calculate the percentage yield of copper sulfate.

Actual yield = 1.6 g

Percentage yield = \(\frac{\textup{1.6}}{\textup{2.0}}\) 脳 100

Percentage yield = 80%


In an experiment, the theoretical yield is 3.2 g but the actual yield is only 2.4 g. Calculate the percentage yield.