
Testing for negatively charged ions

The formation of different allows us to identify different negatively in .

Testing for carbonate ions

Carbonate ions, CO32- are detected using a dilute . Bubbles are given off when an acid, usually dilute hydrochloric acid, is added to the test .

The bubbles are caused by carbon dioxide. is used to confirm that the gas is carbon dioxide. It turns milky when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it.

Unlike the other tests described on this page, the test for carbonate ions works whatever acid is added.

Testing for sulfate ions

Barium ions react with sulfate ions, SO42- to form white barium sulfate:

Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) 鈫 BaSO4(s)

To test for sulfate ions in solution:

  1. add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric to the sample
  2. add a few drops of dilute barium chloride solution

A white precipitate forms if sulfate ions are present.

A white precipitate of barium sulfate in a test for sulfate ions
Image caption,
A white precipitate of barium sulfate in a test for sulfate ions


Explain why, in a test for sulfate ions, the sample is acidified with hydrochloric acid first.

Carbonate ions also produce a white precipitate with barium chloride solution. The acid reacts with any carbonate ions present. This removes them, so stopping them giving a false positive result.


Explain why, in a test for sulfate ions, dilute sulfuric acid cannot be used to acidify the sample.

Testing for halide ions

Silver ions react with ions (Cl-, Br- or I- ions) to form insoluble precipitates. The table shows the colours of these silver halide precipitates.

Halide ionPrecipitate colour
Chloride, Cl-White
Bromide, Br-Cream
Iodide, I-Yellow
Halide ionChloride, Cl-
Precipitate colourWhite
Halide ionBromide, Br-
Precipitate colourCream
Halide ionIodide, I-
Precipitate colourYellow

To test for halide ions:

  • add a few drops of dilute nitric acid to the sample
  • add a few drops of dilute silver nitrate solution

Observe and record the colour of any precipitate that forms.


Explain why, in a test for halide ions, the sample is acidified with dilute nitric acid first.

Carbonate ions also produce a white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. The acid reacts with any carbonate ions present. This removes them, so stopping them giving an incorrect positive result for chloride ions.


Explain why, in a test for halide ions, dilute hydrochloric acid cannot be used to acidify the sample.

It may help to remember the silver halide precipitate colours by the mnemonic 'milk, cream, butter' for 'white, cream, yellow'.