
Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages - AQAConverting recurring decimals - Higher

Fractions, decimals and percentages are frequently used in everyday life. Knowing how to convert between them improves general number work and problem solving skills.

Part of MathsNumber

Converting recurring decimals - Higher

A recurring decimal exists when decimal numbers repeat forever. For example, \(0. \dot{3}\) means 0.333333... - the decimal never ends.

Dot notation is used with recurring decimals. The dot above the number shows which numbers recur, for example \(0.5 \dot{7}\) is equal to 0.5777777... and \(0. \dot{2} \dot{7}\) is equal to 0.27272727...

If two dots are used, they show the beginning and end of the recurring group of numbers: \(0. \dot{3} 1 \dot{2}\) is equal to 0.312312312...


How is the number 0.57575757... written using dot notation?

In this case, the recurring numbers are the 5 and the 7, so the answer is \(0. \dot{5} \dot{7}\).


Convert \(\frac{5}{6}\) to a recurring decimal.

Divide 5 by 6.

5 divided by 6 is 0, remainder 5, so carry the 5 to the tenths column.

50 divided by 6 is 8, remainder 2.

20 divided by 6 is 3 remainder 2.

Because the remainder is 2 again, the digit 3 is going to recur:

Diagram showing how to converting 5/6 into a recurring decimal

\(\frac{5}{6} = 0.8333 ... = 0.8\dot{3}\)

Algebra can be used to convert recurring decimals into fractions.


Convert \(0. \dot{1}\) to a fraction.

\(0. \dot{1}\) has 1 digit recurring.

Firstly, write out \(0. \dot{1}\) as a number, using a few iterations (repeats) of the decimal.


Call this number \(x\). We have an equation \(x = 0.1111111\)...

If we multiply this number by 10 it will give a different number with the same digit recurring.

So if:

\(x = 0.11111111\)...then

\(10x = 1.11111111鈥)

Notice that after the decimal points the recurring digits match up. So subtracting these equations gives:

\(10x~鈥搤x = 1.111111鈥 鈥 0.111111鈥)

so \(9x = 1\)

Dividing both sides by 9 gives:

\(x = \frac{1}{9}\)

so \(~ 0. \dot{1} = \frac{1}{9}\)

When 2 digits recur, multiply by 100 so that the recurring digits after the decimal point keep the same place value. Similarly, when 3 digits recur multiply by 1000 and so on.


Show that \(0. \dot{1} \dot{8}\) is equal to \(\frac{2}{11}\).


Show that \(0.2 \dot{8}\) is equal to \(\frac{13}{45}\).