
Where does energy come from?

There are different in the world and the amount of stored by them varies greatly. For example, the nuclear energy within 1 kg of uranium contains a very large amount of energy, but the stored by many thousands of tonnes of water held back by a dam contains less.

Renewable or non-renewable?

Renewable resources are replenished either by:

  • human action, eg trees cut down for bio-fuel are replaced by planting new trees
  • natural processes, eg water let through a dam for is replaced through the

A non-renewable energy resource is one with a amount. It will eventually run out when all reserves have been used up.

Different energy resources

Nine different energy resources, fossil fuels, nuclear, bio, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, tides, sun, water waves; illustrated around a main label.

The table below shows the main features of the most common energy resources used today.

Energy resourceEnergy storeRenewable?UsesPower outputEnvironmental impact
Fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gases)ChemicalNon-renewableTransport, heating, electricity generationHighReleases CO2 (causes global warming)
Nuclear fuelsNuclearNon-renewableElectricity generationVery highRadioactive waste (needs to be disposed of safely)
Bio-fuelChemicalRenewableTransport, heating, electricity generationMedium'Carbon neutral', so low impact
WindKineticRenewableElectricity generationVery lowTakes up large areas that could be used for farming, some people say windmills spoil the view
HydroelectricityGravitational potentialRenewableElectricity generationMediumLocal habitats are affected by the large areas that need to be flooded to build dams
GeothermalInternal (thermal)RenewableElectricity generation, heatingMediumVery low
TidesKineticRenewableElectricity generationPotentially very high, but hard to harnessTidal barrages can block sewage which needs to go out to sea
SunNuclearRenewableElectricity generation, heatingDependent on the weather and only available during daylightVery little
Water wavesKineticRenewableElectricity generationLowVery low
Energy resourceFossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gases)
Energy storeChemical
UsesTransport, heating, electricity generation
Power outputHigh
Environmental impactReleases CO2 (causes global warming)
Energy resourceNuclear fuels
Energy storeNuclear
UsesElectricity generation
Power outputVery high
Environmental impactRadioactive waste (needs to be disposed of safely)
Energy resourceBio-fuel
Energy storeChemical
UsesTransport, heating, electricity generation
Power outputMedium
Environmental impact'Carbon neutral', so low impact
Energy resourceWind
Energy storeKinetic
UsesElectricity generation
Power outputVery low
Environmental impactTakes up large areas that could be used for farming, some people say windmills spoil the view
Energy resourceHydroelectricity
Energy storeGravitational potential
UsesElectricity generation
Power outputMedium
Environmental impactLocal habitats are affected by the large areas that need to be flooded to build dams
Energy resourceGeothermal
Energy storeInternal (thermal)
UsesElectricity generation, heating
Power outputMedium
Environmental impactVery low
Energy resourceTides
Energy storeKinetic
UsesElectricity generation
Power outputPotentially very high, but hard to harness
Environmental impactTidal barrages can block sewage which needs to go out to sea
Energy resourceSun
Energy storeNuclear
UsesElectricity generation, heating
Power outputDependent on the weather and only available during daylight
Environmental impactVery little
Energy resourceWater waves
Energy storeKinetic
UsesElectricity generation
Power outputLow
Environmental impactVery low

Comparing resources

Power stations that use or nuclear fuel are very reliable sources of energy. These two types of station provide much of the country鈥檚 electricity. They operate almost continuously. When additional power is needed, gas power stations are usually used because they will come on very quickly and start generating electricity almost immediately.

The fuel for nuclear power stations is relatively cheap, but the power stations themselves are expensive to build. It is also very expensive to dismantle, or , old nuclear power stations at the end of their useful life and the highly waste needs to be stored for millions of years before the natural will reduce to a safe level.

Water power, eg tidal and , is reliable and predictable because of the Moon causing the tides and rainfall filling reservoirs. They can also be used to supply additional demand. But many of the renewable sources are unreliable, including wind and solar energy, and cannot respond to increased demand - sunny and windy weather cannot be guaranteed.

Renewable resources have no fuel costs, but the equipment used is expensive to build.