
Living Space by Imtiaz Dharker - EduqasWriting a response

Living Space describes a vision of a precariously created slum town. Content, ideas, language and structure are explored. Comparisons and alternative interpretations are also considered.

Part of English LiteraturePoems

Writing a response

When writing an essay about your interpretation of, or response to, a poem, you should consider the points below.

Essay-writing tips

  • Write a plan first, noting what you'll include in each paragraph.
  • Begin with a brief overview of the poem.
  • Go on to mention themes, form, structure, rhythm and language.
  • Mention a range of views or perspectives.
  • Compare the poem to another one.
  • Mention any relevant details about the context of the poem.
  • Conclude with a firm judgement about the poem.
  • Support all you say with details or quotes from the poem.

Key words

A good approach to begin with is to highlight any key words which stand out for you. Make sure you use these key words in your essay.

Example question

How does Imtiaz Dharker present place in this poem?


  1. Introduction: the poem describes the slums of Mumbai and the instability of the structures, 'balanced crookedly on supports.'
  2. The structure: 'nails clutch' and 'The whole structure leans dangerously' - enjambment between this line and the next which changes to 'miraculous'
  3. Balance: images of balance in this poem - the beams, balance between light and dark, the balance between danger and miracle
  4. Faith: eggs offer a symbol of fragility and faith - comparing it to human life
  5. Conclusion: place and people's adaptation to their circumstances is presented in the poem as an act of faith.

Some other essay questions to think about:

  • How does Imtiaz Dharker present faith in the poem Living Space?
  • How does Imtiaz Dharker present life in this poem? Compare her approach to that of another poet, such as Thomas Hardy.