
Revising Spanish grammar - nouns and articles - EduqasNouns

A noun is a naming word used for a person, thing, place or idea. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. The word for 鈥榯he鈥 or 鈥榓鈥 changes depending on the gender of the noun and whether it is singular or plural.

Part of SpanishGrammar


An explanation of nouns, articles and gender

Nouns are words that name things, people, places and ideas. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. This is called the gender of the noun.

How to tell if a noun is masculine or feminine

Usually, nouns that end in -o are masculine and nouns that end in -a are feminine. For example:


There are some exceptions to this rule, eg planeta, 诲铆补, mapa and 迟谤补苍惫铆补 are all masculine, whereas mano, foto and radio are all feminine.

Nouns with these endings are usually masculine:

  • -ma eg problema, programa, idioma
  • a consonant other than -d or -z eg 谩谤产辞濒, color, 辫补铆蝉

Nouns with these endings are usually feminine:

  • -d eg salud, libertad, nacionalidad
  • -z eg paz, luz, nariz
  • -颈贸苍 eg 谤别濒颈驳颈贸苍, 苍补迟补肠颈贸苍, 肠辞苍惫别谤蝉补肠颈贸苍

There are always exceptions to these rules. It can be hard to tell if some nouns with other endings are masculine or feminine. For example, nouns that end in -e could be either masculine, eg hombre or feminine, eg leche. It's better to check in a dictionary than to guess.


Are these nouns masculine or feminine?

  1. semana
  2. pan
  3. pared
  4. 迟别濒别惫颈蝉颈贸苍
  5. mes
  6. actividad
  7. nieve
  8. caballo

Making a noun plural

Just as in English, nouns in Spanish can be singular or plural. To make nouns plural:

  • Add -s to nouns ending in a vowel, eg librolibros, casacasas
  • Add -es to nouns ending in a consonant, eg ciudadciudades, colorcolores
  • Remove the -z and add -ces to nouns ending in a z, eg vezveces, pezpeces
  • Add -es to nouns ending in -颈贸苍 but get rid of the accent, eg 谤别驳颈贸苍regiones, 苍补肠颈贸苍naciones


Make these nouns plural.

  1. llave
  2. nuez
  3. mujer
  4. 肠补苍肠颈贸苍
  5. mesa
  6. escritor
  7. primo
  8. universidad