
Goal setting

Use the scores you achieved in the data collection process to help you set goals for your development plan.

Why set goals?

  • to increase motivation levels - give 100% in every session and improve
  • to provide each session with a focus - your partner knows what to feedback on during each session
  • to aid monitoring processes - allows you see if the programme is working based on if you are achieving each short-term goal
Different values of goal setting. Goal setting helps to show success, give motivation, monitor progress, provide focus and plan and adapt training at its start, middle and end.

Long-term goals

A long-term goal is what you would like to achieve by the end of your development plan.

It could involve using your baseline result to set a realistic goal.

For example, if you scored 24 in the , you may look to achieve a score of 20 by the end of your mental development plan.

Alternatively, the long-term goal could relate to a certain outcome you want to achieve in a certain sporting situation. This would again tie in with your data collection results.

For example, if you found you were getting frustrated when the referee made a decision you disagreed with, in the with , you would look to control your anger in a similar situation by the end of your emotional development plan.

Short-term goals

A short-term goal refers to what you would like to achieve by the end of a session.

Each short-term goal should be monitored at the end of each session. They should then gradually provide a path towards the achievement of the long-term goal as the development plan evolves.

For example, if a long-term goal involves developing your communication skills during a netball match, the short-term goal for a session could be:

to make at least four verbal suggestions during team building games.