For Hindus, BrahmanIn Hindu belief, the absolute reality that is the true essence of all existence, God. is God or the Supreme Being. Brahman is beyond human understanding. However, Hindus try to explain Brahman through understanding the Hindu scripture(s)A piece of writing that has religious significance.. There are various interpretations, but the main descriptions of Brahman are NirgunaBrahman can be known as Nirguna, a being without form or shape that has always existed. and SagunaBrahman can be known as Saguna, which means that Brahman exists with form and shape and so can be seen..
Nirguna Brahman
Nirguna Brahman is the concept that God has no shape or form. This makes Brahman difficult for humans to understand, so Hindus use different ways to represent Brahman, such as the aum (om)Known as the 'sacred syllable', this sound and symbol is used by many Hindus to convey how deep and complex the divine is. symbol. The aum or om symbol represents the sound that was present when the world was created.
Saguna Brahman
Another way in which Brahman can be understood is Saguna Brahman. Saguna Brahman, is the idea that Brahman has form and can be understood through images. These images are manifestations of God.
The depictions each show a different manifestation of Brahman, where Brahman appears in human or animal form. This means that Hindus can understand Brahman through the thousands of different deity / deitiesOne god or goddess. In Hinduism, the word for gods and goddesses that many Hindus believe are different aspects of the one Supreme Spirit (Brahman). in Hinduism and their qualities or attributes.
For example, by looking at an image of the god Shiva, Hindus can understand part of Brahman through seeing his qualities. Shiva is often depicted holding a trident (a three-pronged spear), which symbolises the destructive element of Brahman.