
Food safety advice when handling foods

When handling foods it is essential that high personal hygiene standards are maintained to reduce the risk of food poisoning. A number of rules should be adhered to when handling food.

Priority Health Issues – Handling Food
  • Minimise time spent handling food – the longer a food is handled, the more it is exposed to an increase in temperature. The number of people handling the food should also be minimised to avoid food poisoning.
  • Hands should be thoroughly washed – all food handlers should follow the hand washing procedure before preparing food, after touching any raw meat, after using the bathroom or touching the nose, mouth, face or hair. Hair should be tied back before washing hands.
  • Dry hands – hands should be thoroughly dried as wet or damp hands spread bacteria more easily.
  • Keep nails short and clean – use liquid soap and a nail scrubber when washing hands as this is better at removing dirt from under nails.
  • Remove all jewellery when handling food – bacteria collect on the skin around rings or watches.
  • Cover any cuts or breaks in the skin with a blue waterproof plaster – the colour blue is used as it is more easily recognised if it falls into food as blue foods are rare.
  • Do not handle food if ill – food handlers must be excluded from preparing foods if they experience any vomiting or diarrhoea. A 48 hour exclusion rule must apply from when the symptoms of any illness stop naturally.
  • Food handlers should wear protective clothing – for example, an apron or a chef's jacket. Clothing must also be clean and free of any animal hairs as these could transfer into the food being prepared.
Hands being washed at a domestic kitchen sink

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