

Practise speaking Spanish by listening to these questions and answers on the topic of food.

Question 2

驴En tu opini贸n, cu谩les son las diferencias entre la comida escocesa y la comida espa帽ola?

According to you, what are the differences between Scottish and Spanish food?

Answer 2

En Escocia comemos muchas patatas, crema de avena y carne. En Espa帽a la gente come churros, paella y mucho pescado. Las tapas son muy importantes y es una manera sociable de comer con los amigos. Tambi茅n hay platos t铆picos en zonas diferentes.

In Scotland people eat lots of potatoes, porridge and meat. In Spain people eat churros, paella and lots of fish. Tapas are very important and it is a sociable way to eat with friends. There are also typical dishes in different regions.