

Treble and bass clef

The notes on the treble clef look like this:

Treble clef

There are many different mnemonics that can be used to remember the notes on the lines (reading from the bottom line up). One of these is the sentence Every Green Bus Drives Fast. The notes in the spaces spell the word FACE. If you need to write notes above or below the stave, you use ledger lines and they look like this:

Treble clef notes

The notes on the bass clef look like this:

Bass clef

You can remember the notes on the lines by the sentence Great Big Dogs Frighten Albert. You can remember the notes in the spaces by the sentence All Cows Eat Grass.

If you need to write notes above or below the stave, they look like this:

Bass clef notes

Rhythm and metre

Rhythm notation shows the duration of a note. Watch the video to hear the difference in note length and see the durations of different types of note.

  • a semibreve lasts for four crotchet beats
  • a minim lasts for two crotchet beats
  • a quaver lasts for half a crotchet beat - so there are two to the time of a crotchet
  • a semiquaver lasts for a quarter of a crotchet beat - so there are four to the time of a crotchet

Rhythm and the durations of different notes, from semibreves to semiquavers

Using what you have learnt, can you recognise the following melodies?


Part of the music for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for the quiz.


Part of the music for Mary Had a Little Lamb for the quiz.