
Pythagoras' theorem in 3 dimensions - Higher

An introduction to turning 3D problems into 2D problems and using Pythagoras' theorem

can be used to solve problems which involve calculating the length of a right-angled triangle.

It may be necessary to use Pythagoras' theorem more than once in a problem.


ABCDEFGH is a cuboid.

AB is 6 cm, BG is 3 cm and FG is 2 cm.

Calculate AF.

Cuboid (ABCDEFGH) measuring 2cm x 3cm x 6cm

Draw the right-angled triangle ACF and label the sides.

Right angle triangle (ACF) with sides 3cm and two unknowns

This is the right-angled triangle that contains the unknown AF.

To calculate AF, AC is needed.

To calculate AC, draw the right-angled triangle ABC and label the sides.

Right angle triangle (ABC) with sides 2cm x 6cm and one unknown

\(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\)

\(\text{BC}^2 + \text{AB}^2 = \text{AC}^2\)

\(2^2 + 6^2 = \text{AC}^2\)

\(40 = \text{AC}^2\)

\(\text{AC} = \sqrt{40}\)

\(\sqrt{40}\) is a surd. Do not round this answer yet.

AC is \(\sqrt{40}\) cm.

In the right-angled triangle AFC, AC is now known.

Right angle triangle (ACF) with sides 3cm x sq root 40cm and one unknown side

\(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\)

\(\text{FC}^2 + \text{AC}^2 = \text{AF}^2\)

\(3^2 + (\sqrt{40})^2 = \text{AF}^2\)

\(49 = \text{AF}^2\)

\(\text{AF} = 7~\text{cm}\)

Length AF = 7 cm


ABCDV is a square based pyramid. The square base has sides of length 4cm. O is the of the base.

Calculate the length AV. Give the answer to one decimal place.

Square based pyramid with base of 3cm x 3cm. Line from tip (V) to centre of base of length 3cm

3D Pythagoras – quick method

2D Pythagoras can be extended to 3D Pythagoras when the three lengths are all at right-angles to each other.

Example one – cuboid

Cuboid (ABCDEFGH) measuring 2cm x 3cm x 6cm

\(\text{AF} = \sqrt{(2^2+6^2+3^2)} = \sqrt{49} = 7~\text{cm}\).

Example 2 – squared based pyramid

Previously, we used Pythagoras with 4 cm and 4 cm to find AC and then halved it to find AO. Instead, we could have used Pythagoras with 2 cm and 2 cm to find AO directly.

Square based pyramid with base of 3cm x 3cm. Line from tip (V) to centre of base of length 3cm

Now using 3D Pythagoras with 2 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm, we can find AV.

\(\text{AV} = \sqrt{(2^2+2^2+3^2)} = \sqrt{17}~\text{cm}\)