
Group 1 - chemical reactions with water

of all have one in their outer shell. This means that the alkali metals all have similar .

When a group 1 element takes part in a reaction, its atoms each lose one electron. This forms positively charged . The ions have a stable arrangement of electrons, with a complete outer shell.

Reactions with water

The alkali metals react with water to produce a metal hydroxide and hydrogen. For example, sodium reacts with water:

sodium + water 鈫 sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) 鈫 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Sodium hydroxide is an . It is a that in water to form an . This solution:

  • has a greater than 7
  • turns solution blue or purple


Write the word equation and balanced symbol equation for the reaction of potassium with water.

Reactions compared

The reaction of potassium with water gives a lilac flame
Figure caption,
The reaction of potassium with water gives a lilac flame

The table shows observations when lithium, sodium and potassium are added to water. Notice that the of these metals increases going down the group. This pattern is seen with all reactions of group 1 elements. For example, the reaction of caesium with chlorine is more vigorous than the reaction of potassium with chlorine.

ElementObservation when added to water
Lithium, LiFizzes steadily; slowly becomes smaller until it disappears
Sodium, NaFizzes rapidly; melts to form a ball; quickly becomes smaller until it disappears
Potassium, KBurns violently with sparks and a lilac flame; quickly melts to form a ball; disappears rapidly, often with a small explosion
ElementLithium, Li
Observation when added to waterFizzes steadily; slowly becomes smaller until it disappears
ElementSodium, Na
Observation when added to waterFizzes rapidly; melts to form a ball; quickly becomes smaller until it disappears
ElementPotassium, K
Observation when added to waterBurns violently with sparks and a lilac flame; quickly melts to form a ball; disappears rapidly, often with a small explosion


Rubidium is placed below potassium in group 1. Predict what is seen when rubidium is added to water.