
Controlled assessment

Your teacher may choose any Shakespearean play.

The guidance below uses Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet as the examples, but this can be transferred to any Shakespearean play.

You will be asked to complete one extended writing task which can last up to a maximum of two hours.

You will be allowed to have an unannotated copy of your chosen Shakespeare play.

Your question will be linked to a theme which CCEA sets every year.

Further details of these themes can be found on the CCEA English Literature microsite.

For example, the theme for your controlled assessment might be ambition or conflict.

Examples of the types of task you could be set are below.

Examine the way Shakespeare presents Macbeth鈥檚 ambition.

You should:

  • communicate a response to and understanding of meanings and features identified in the play
  • identify dramatic methods, show understanding of them and comment on them
  • provide contextual information to enhance understanding of the play


Examine the way Shakespeare presents the theme of ambition in Macbeth.


Examine the way Shakespeare presents the theme of conflict in Romeo and Juliet.


Examine the way Shakespeare presents conflict between the Capulets and the Montagues.

You should demonstrate that you:

  • can respond critically and imaginatively to the play
  • can select and evaluate relevant textual material
  • can use details to illustrate your interpretations
  • can explain and evaluate dramatic techniques, language, structure and form
  • can relate the play to its context