
Directed writing - Culture - Writing about a music eventCulture - completed response and key vocabulary

The following scenario and responses cover writing about an event you attended. The Gaelic responses and English to Gaelic quiz aim to help you extend your Gaelic writing skills.

Part of Gaelic (Learners)Writing

Culture - completed response and key vocabulary

Here is the completed response displayed as a full written piece.

SCENARIO - Culture

Bullet points

  • Where the music festival was and when it took place.
  • How you travelled to the festival.
  • How you found out about the festival.
  • Who your favourite music act was.
  • How you felt after the festival.
  • If you would like to see the performer(s) again.

Completed response

Anns an Iuchar an-uiridh, chaidh mi a dh'fhaicinn [insert band/performer name] aig f猫is chi霉il faisg air Inbhir Nis.

Chaidh mi ann c貌mhla ri mo charaidean, Amy agus Seumas. Shiubhail sinn a dh'Inbhir Nis air an tr猫ana agus fhuair sinn an uair sin bus dhan fh猫is chi霉il.

Chunnaic mi sanas-reic airson na f猫is chi霉il air an eadar-l矛on agus cheannaich mi tiogaidean air-loidhne. Chosg na tiogaidean seasgad not 's a c貌ig. Chaidh mo bhr脿thair ann a' bh貌n-uiridh agus thuirt e gun robh e uabhasach math.

Bha mi a' d猫anamh fiughair ri [insert band/performer] fhaicinn agus cha d' fhuair mi briseadh-d霉il idir! Ch貌rd iad rinn gu m貌r. Chuala mi c貌mhlan 霉r cuideachd, [insert band 2]. B' e c貌mhlan sgoinneil a bh' annta. Sheinn iad an t-貌ran as fhe脿rr leam, [insert song name].

Bha mi a' faireachdainn sunndach agus gl猫 shona 脿s d猫idh na f猫ise. Bha mi fh猫in agus Amy a' bruidhinn mu deidhinn fad an ath latha!

Bu toigh leam [insert band/performer name] fhaicinn a-rithist. Bidh mi ag 猫isteachd riutha a h-uile madainn nuair a bhios mi a' coiseachd dhan sgoil. 'S d貌cha gum bi iad a' cluich anns a' bhaile agam fh矛n a dh'aithghearr.

Key vocabulary

F猫is chi霉il - music festival

An uair sin - then

Sanas-reic - advert

A' bh貌n-uiridh - the year before last

Thuirt e gun robh e - he said that it was

A' d猫anamh fiughair ri - looking forward to

叠谤颈蝉别补诲丑-诲霉颈濒 - disappointment

A' faireachdainn - feeling

脌s d猫idh na f猫ise - after the festival

Fad an ath latha - all the next day

Bu toigh leam [x] fhaicinn a-rithist - I would like to see [x] again

'S d貌cha gum bi iad - perhaps they will be

A dh'aithghearr - soon

Now try the Test - the bullet points remain the same.

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