
Model performance across factors

Mental model performer

A model performer in the mental factor:

  • controls their and during high pressure situations
  • is able to focus and remain headstrong during difficult moments
  • solves a range of problems and selects, then executes decisions effectively

Emotional model performer

A model performer in the mental factor:

  • controls their anger during moments that others may find frustrating
  • has full confidence in their abilities and can demonstrate this in a range of situations
  • is resilient enough to bounce back after negative experiences

Physical model performer

A model performer in the physical factor:

  • executes a range of skills and techniques to a high standard on a consistent basis
  • has high fitness levels in a variety of different fitness components
  • is tactically astute in both offensive and defensive situations

Social model performer

A model performer in the social factor:

  • communicates clearly and in a variety of different ways during performance
  • is a good team player in good and bad moments
  • shows respect to opponents and officials