
Volcanoes and volcanic eruptions - EduqasStructure and features of volcanoes

Composite and shield volcanoes are found along plate boundaries. They have distinctive characteristics and can have both positive and negative effects on people and the landscape.

Part of GeographyHazardous landscapes

Structure and features of volcanoes

Volcanoes have distinctive features:

  • - this is where the molten rock is stored beneath the ground
  • - this is the channel (or channels) through which travels to reach the Earth's surface
  • - some magma may escape through the side of the volcano, particularly if the main vent becomes blocked
  • - this is found at the top of the volcano and magma erupts from here
Magma comes from the magma chamber under the volcano. It travels through the main vent to the crater. Secondary vents on the side of the volcano may also form. The magma may erupt as volcanic bombs.