
Form and structure

The poem is a dramatic monologue written in iambic tetrameter using .

Tetrameter means that each line is divided into four feet.

An iamb consists of one stressed syllable (u) - followed by an unstressed syllable (/).

So a line of iambic tetrameter consists of four iambs - four sets of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. For example:-

u / u / u / u /

Had we but world enough and time

The poem has three sections.

In the first the ideal courtship is presented. The speaker begins by constructing an elaborate conceit, with extravagant references to the many things he would do to honour and 鈥渨oo鈥 the lady properly if the two lovers had 鈥渂ut time".

The second stanza makes it clear that they have not got time, and that death is not only inevitable but imminent.

The final stanza proposes that they fight against the progression of time and seek pleasure while they are able.