The name given to all material deposited by a glacier is called glacial till or boulder clayAll material deposited by a glacier.. Deposited material creates a range of interesting features such as:
roche moutonn茅eResistant crag of rock shaped by a glacier to have one smooth surface and one rough surface. - these have a steep and jagged face which has been created by pluckingA type of glacial erosion that occurs when ice freezes onto the landscape, ripping out rocks when it moves. on the sloping side (lee sideThe sloping side of a drumlin.). On the steep side, (stoss endThe steep side of a drumlin.) the land is smoothed and polished by the ice through glacial abrasionA type of glacial erosion that occurs when rock fragments that are frozen into the bottom of a glacier scrape and erode the valley floor..
erraticA large rock fragment transported by ice away from its place of origin. - these are rocks that have been deposited by the glacier. They are usually made of a rock type that would not be found in that area. This suggests that erratics can be carried a long way from an area of different geology.
drumlinA mound of deposited moraine. - glaciers can move moraineThe debris, rocks and materials that a glacier has picked up, transported and then deposited. around in unusual ways which produce interesting features. Drumlins are mounds of deposited moraine. They have a steep side and a sloping side. They can be small or large. They are sometimes described as having a 'basket of eggs' topography because of the unusual landscape they create.
crag and tailOutcrop of resistant rock with a steep-sided stoss end and a gentle sloping lee side. - outcrop of resistant rock with a steep-sided stoss end, created by plucking and a gentle, sloping lee side. This gentle slope is created by the deposition of moraine.