

  • Ten to the power of five can be written as \(10^5\)It means \(10 \times 10 \times 10 \times 10 \times 10 = 100,000\)
  • \(2^3 = 2 \times 2 \times 2 = 8\)

Terms used for indices

The large number is the base - 2鈦 - The small number is called the power or the index. It represents how many times the number is to be multiplied by itself. 2鈦 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32

Examples of indices

Calculate 5虏


\( 5^2 = 5 \times 5 = 25 \)

Find the value of 4鈦


\(4^5 = 4 \times 4 \times 4 \times 4 \times 4 = 1024\)

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Calculating with indices

Any calculations must follow the correct order of operations:


Calculate the value of 2鲁 x 3虏

Following order of operation, the indices are calculated first before multiplying.

\(2^3 \times 3^2 = 8 \times 9 = \color{red} \textbf {72}\)

Examples of calculating with indices

Calculate 6虏 - 2鈦

Answer:\(6^2 - 2^4 = 36 鈥 16 = \color {red} \textbf {20}\)

Find the value of 4鲁 梅 2鈦

Answer:\(4^3 - 2^5 = 64 \div 32 = \color {red} \textbf {2}\)


What is the value of 3虏 x 2虏?


Evaluate 4虏 +3鲁

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Rules of indices when working with the same base

  • Rule 1 - When multiplying, ADD the indices
  • Rule 2 - When dividing, SUBTRACT the indices
  • Rule 3 - When the power is raised to another power, MULTIPLY the indices.
  • Rule 4 - Anything to the power of zero is 1

Rule 1 - multiplying

To find the value of\(\color{red} \hspace{2em} 4^2 \hspace{1.45em} \times \hspace{2.75em} 4^3\)
It can be rewritten as \(\hspace{0.25em} 4 \times 4 \quad \times \quad 4 \times 4 \times 4=4^5\)

So \(4^2 \times 4^3 =4^{\color{red}{(2+3)}} =4^5 =\color{red}\textbf {1024}\)

When multiplying the rule is to add the indices.

Rule 2 - dividing

To find the value of\(\color{red} \hspace{6.35em} 5^7 \hspace{5.65em} \div \hspace{5em} 5^4 \)
It can be rewritten as \(\hspace{0.25em} 5 \times 5 \times 5\times 5\times 5\times 5\times 5\quad \div \quad \times 5 \times 5 \times 5 \times 5\)

\( = \hspace{12em}78125 \hspace{5.2em} \div \hspace{4.8em}625\)

\( =\hspace{12em} \color{red}\textbf {125}\)

A quicker way

\(5^7 \div 5^4 = 5^{(7-4)} = 5^3 = \color{red}\textbf {125} \)

When dividing the rule is to subtract the indices.

Rule 3 - raising to a power

Simplify \(\color{red} (3^3)^2 \)
It can be rewritten as \(3^3 \times 3^3 \)

And using Rule 1

\(3^3 \times 3^3 = 3^{3+3} = 3^6 = \color{red}\textbf {729}\)

When raising a power to another power multiply the indices

Rule 4 - raising to the power of 0

\(6^2 \div 6^2\)

using Rule 2

\(6^2 \div 6^2 = 6^{(2-2)} = 6^0 = \color{red}\textbf {1}\text { since } 6^2 \div 6^2 \text{ and } 36 \div 36 = 1\)

\(9^0 = 1 \hspace{5em} m^0 = 1 \hspace{5em}725^0 = 1\)

Anything to the power of zero is 1

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Question - rule 1

Simplify 7鈦 x 7鈦 giving the answer in index form

Question - rule 2

Evaluate 2鈦 梅 2鈦

Question - rule 3

Simplify (a鲁)虏

Question - rule 4

Evaluate 5鈦

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Simplify 6虏 x 6鲁 giving your answer in index form


Simplify 5鲁 梅 5鲁 giving your answer in index form

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Test yourself

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