
Watch: The importance of conductors and insulators

Learn why it is important to have conductors and insulators.

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The filament in this lightbulb is a conductor.

Some materials let electricity pass through them easily. These materials are known as electrical conductors.

Many metals, such as copper, iron and steel, are good electrical conductors. That is why the parts of electrical objects that need to let electricity pass through are always made of metal.

Metal is used in plugs to allow electricity to transfer from the wall socket, through the plug, and into a device such as a radio or TV.

In a light bulb, the metal conducts electricity and causes the light bulb to light up.

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The filament in this lightbulb is a conductor.
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The rubber around this wire is an insulator.

Some materials do not allow electricity to pass through them. These materials are known as electrical insulators.

Plastic, wood, glass and rubber are good electrical insulators. That is why they are used to cover materials that carry electricity.

The plastic covering that surrounds wires is an electrical insulator. It stops you from getting an electrical shock.

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Activity 1: Spotting conductors and insulators

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Activity 2: Quiz

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Activity 3: Identifying conductors and insulators

  • Make a list of all of the objects that you can see in the room.
  • Separate these objects into conductors and insulators.
  • Explain how you know if a material is a conductor or an insulator.

Why are conductors often surrounded by an insulator for safety purposes?

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