Part of EnglishSpellingYear 3Year 4
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Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. They also have different spellings like hear and here or see and sea.
Watch the short video below to find out more.
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See how many homophones you can spot in this video.
Watch this short video to see more homophones and how they can be used in a story.
Homophones with Johnny and Inel.
Play the Homophones mini game on Small Town Superheroes. Use the yellow arrows to navigate to the 'Steve' section to find the 'Homophones' game.
If you can, open the game in a new tab. You can do this by right clicking on the window and selecting open link in new tab.
Click to play the game. gameClick to play the game
Homophones are everywhere!
Make a list of all the homophones you can think of.
If you're struggling to think of some, you could always look through some of your favourite books at home or school and see how many you can spot.
Here are some to start your list off:
Play our fun English game Crystal Explorers. gamePlay our fun English game Crystal Explorers
Use grammar, punctuation and spelling skills to explore jungles, caves and tombs on your mission!
Find out more by working through a topic
Their, they're and or there?
Silent letters
Silent letters and unstressed vowels
Spelling patterns and the -y rule