

Area is the amount of space taken up by a surface or a 2D shape. It is measured in squares with metric units mm虏, cm虏, m虏 and km虏.

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Calculating areas

The area can be calculated by counting squares.


Calculate the area of this shape if each square is 1 cm虏.

Shape made up of 10 x 1 cm虏 blank squares.
Shape made up of 10 x 1 cm虏 squares - numbered.

There are 10 squares inside the shape so the area is 10 cm虏.

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Calculating areas of rectangles

The area of rectangles can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width.

Rectangle figure showing width and length


Calculate the area of this rectangle.


Calculate the width of a rectangle with an area of 40 mm虏 and a length of 8 mm.


Calculate the area of a square of side 12 m.

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Calculating areas of triangles

A triangle can be formed by drawing a diagonal across a rectangle and splitting the shape along that line. The area of the triangle will be exactly half of the area of the rectangle.

Rectangle split by a diagonal line and resulting triangle

The area of triangles can be calculated by multiplying the length (or base) by the height and dividing by 2.

This is written as a formula.

\(\text{Area of triangle} = \frac{\text{base} \times \text{height}}{2}\)

\(\text{Area of triangle} = \frac{1}{2}bh\)

The formula works for all triangles provided the perpendicular height is used.


Calculate the area of a triangle with a base of 4.2 cm and a height of 7.5 cm.


Calculate the area of a triangle with a base of 9 cm and a perpendicular height of 6 cm.


Calculate the area of the triangle.

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Calculating a missing length given the area

To find a missing length it is necessary to work backwards when the area and only one of the dimensions are known.


Calculate the height of a triangle with a base of 4.8 cm and an area of 7.2 cm虏.


The area of the triangle is 21 cm虏. Calculate the base when the height is 6 cm.

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Area of compound shapes

Compound shapes are shapes that can be split into 2 or more shapes.

Image caption,
This compound shape is made of 3 rectangles.
Image caption,
This compound shape is made of a rectangle and a triangle.

To calculate the area of compound shapes:

  • Split the shape into easier shapes
  • Calculate the area of each part
  • Add the areas to get the total


Calculate the area of this shape.

Compound shape made up of three rectangles


Calculate the area of the arrow.

Arrow with various measures

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