Plants growing at the side of Birmingham
New Road |
Take the footpath which branches off to the left.
You emerge on Castle Mill Road. Continue along this road until you reach
Priory Road. Turn right and continue back to the car park.
Optional route involving beer: if you're after a pint
before going home, continue on the main road to the King Arthur pub at
the junction of Priory Road.
Look out for Bluebell Road on the left which leads to
a wood which is filled with bluebells in spring.
There are clues to the area's history all around you:
opposite The Sunrise on Alexander Place, you'll see mound of land covered
in grass. This is an old railway embankment.
Cross over Priory Road at the pedestrian crossing
and walk back into the car park on the left.
The sign says 'Donkey Pool' as the area was used by the
collieries, which used donkeys on the canals. It's also known locally
as 'Foxes Yard'.
You're now back where you started.
map of this stage
We hope you enjoyed the walk! There are links to other
Walks Through Time nearby in the right-hand margin. If you enjoyed finding
out about Dudley's natural history, you'd love ! It's right in the centre of town on St James' Road.
out more about Dudley Museum. Listen to Graham Worton 禄
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