Chariots and alcohol

The mosaics are amazing. The jagged, blue stones in the background really give an illusion of depth to the scenes. Spotters badges for those who can find the startled-looking fisherman, the first recorded hit and run incident and a man and a boy trying to get a goat drunk. Any other hidden highlights that I've missed?
Comment number 1.
At 2nd Feb 2010, Isobel McAllister wrote:The scene with the goat reminds me of the bible story of the burning bush, when Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his son as a test of faith, then is told to dacrifice a goat.I think the cup is to collect the blood. It also reminds me of a similar golden statue of a goat caught in thorns. This is a really fascinating project,love the radio programmes,it brings these things and ideas to people like myself far from London. Thanks and congratulations to you all.
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Comment number 2.
At 9th Feb 2010, Sue wrote:I would just like to say thank you for an amazing series - the programmes have me spellbound .
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Comment number 3.
At 10th Feb 2010, JaneAtkinson3000 wrote:I am really hooked on the series-it gives such a good overview of how mankind developed in different regions throughout the world. Would love to know more on how the same strands appear in areas so far appart with no known contact between the groups. Makes us realise how much we still don't know. Thanks Paul for the tip on zooming in on the objects-see far more than looking at them in a glass case.
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Comment number 4.
At 4th Jan 2011, Jake Barowsky wrote:All this user's posts have been removed.Why?
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