Cloud Coca Land
- 9 Nov 07, 02:37 PM
Posted from: near Louisiana.
We wake early and Matt B, Zubin and I head off in the soft morning light to shoot some establishing shots of the area. We shoot these on the large HD camera with some great shots of the lush green, mountainous landscape. In particular we pick off shots of the many fields growing coca leaves as these will then cut well into to the scenes that we will later shoot.
The hacienda at Louisiana
The clouds are amazing so I also shoot some time-lapse shots. I鈥檝e a real passion for shooting time-lapses as, when speeded up, they give a magical effect. To mimic how our eye sees a scene the camera usually records 25 still images (frames) per second. With time-lapse filming we shoot one frame say every 4 seconds, over a long period without moving the camera. When this is then played back the shot will be 100 times faster and hence the clouds whiz across the screen and the effect can be quite stunning.
With the fantastic Peruvian cloudscapes we have been getting it has been the absolute perfect conditions to shoot time-lapse but with Luis ever on alert for anything or anyone that may be of concern, we quit while we are ahead and return to the Hacienda for a break.
Find out more about the coca growing regions