Mealtime and a Machete
- 10 Nov 07, 04:18 PM
Posted from: San Francisco area.
Almu has gone down with dehydration or a tummy bug and is lying on the floor in the dirt next to the tripod. We are looking a sorry sort of bunch in contrast to the young coca-collecting kids, who carry on in the stifling heat without one complaint.
Aerial view of the river in the San Francisco area
Eventually they are happy with their collection as their bags are quite full and we all make our way back to the hut where they take a break in the shade. The mum shares around a great meal of rice and lentils and includes us, so we are made to feel part of the family, and the cute two-year old girl from earlier charms us all with her sparkly eyes.
After the meal we film a chat with Bruce and the father discussing the hardships of growing coca and how little money he makes from the crop. Suddenly there is a loud crying and one of the small boys runs in, blood flowing from a nasty wound to his head. It鈥檚 hard to tell if he ran into a branch or if it was caused by a machete - as the kids had just been playing wildly with one. He has it dressed and when things have calmed down we bid a big thanks to the family and head on our way.
Find out more about the coca growing regions
Dear Matt, Bruce et al,
You guys truly are the best thing on telly. It's the only reason I still pay my tv license :-)
Keep up the fabulous work, and take care,
xx S
Hi Bruce and the team,
I would like to say a great big thank yuo on behalf of my class. They are year 5/6 and have watched your tribe series (bits that I can show them!) to complement our topic this term - Rainforests. They are so excited that you will be setting blogs up, wait till I tell them that you have started! Thank you so much and look forward to seeing yuor next update!
Bruce (& Co.),
I have loved every series and look forward to the next alas I wont be at home in Autumn08 as Im Motorbiking from the Bottom of the America麓s to the top(check the URL).. Let me know if I could possibly join you at any stage and in any capacity. It would be fantastic but I guess you get requests like this all the time.. I have also studied Media Production in Ireland so I am familiar with the techniques and work involved... Anyway, More of a request to join you guys rather than a comment for your site but hey God loves a trier, Thanks for all the hours of amalgamated entertainment & education or eductament! Keep up the good work..STEPHEN..
Love the series - think you are all brillant - Glad Matt is getting better - hope the recovery continues to go well - as for the rest of you - I think you have the coolest job in the world but couldn't do it myself - 5* or nothing for me ! So thanks for letting me see things I would never have the courage to go and see for myself !