Arrival in Krinu
- 30 May 08, 02:52 PM
Posted from: Krinu
We've arrived at the Kayapo village of Krinu. It's my first time staying with an Indian tribe. We got here at dusk, a magical time for the light, catching the straw and wooden huts on the outskirts of the vast dusty circle they're arranged around. It's an impressive space.
Kayapo fields and villages are built in a circle to reflect the Kayapo belief in a round universe. The centre of the world is represented by the central hut, where meetings take place and rituals begin. Their homes are then arranged in a circle around this. Between the homes and the central hut is a circle of dry land where they dance and have their ceremonies.
When we arrive, the kids run around in the dusty heat, curious about us strangers and no doubt wanting to know if we've brought them sweets. One of the girls, Luana, comes straight up to me and takes my hand. I'm already smitten with the Kayapo.
Find out more about the Kayapo
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