The Kayapo Fight
- 3 Jun 08, 02:53 PM
Posted from: Krinu
The Kayapo are known as a warrior Indian tribe and now, more than ever, they're having to fight to preserve their land as cattle ranchers encroach further and further into Indian territory to make way for pasture. While we were there, they took us up the hill close to their reservation. From here, they showed us just how much land close to their reservation had been turned to pasture.
Looking out over the Kayapo's land
It was pretty alarming stuff. They've been fighting for their land for a long time - the Kayapo were the tribe responsible for the 1989 Altamira protest against a huge dam being proposed to be built on what was essentially their land. Sting and Anita Roddick famously supported the Kayapo's cause and joined in the protest.
Twenty years later the Kayapo are in danger again, not only from cattle ranchers encroaching, but also from new plans for the dam project to be built after all. It's for a good reason they've become known as a warrior tribe. They have a lot to fight for.
Find out more about the Kayapo
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